Fields validation

List of recommendations for specific data

  • • the order number presaleFolder/shoppingCarts/reference sent in PreEligibility / Eligibility, orderData/orderSummaryRef sent in Creates a payment session, Check enrollment) must be unique for each call. Here is our recommendation for the order number : CBnX_yyyyy_zzzz
    • n= 1, 3, 4, 10 depending on the payment method
    • yyyyy = cart number (id that increments for each cart)
    • zzzz = payment id between 0000 and 9999

The following is a list of points of attention regarding data validation for each method

PreEligibility / Eligibility

  • the field presaleFolder/shoppingCarts/reference does not accept special characters. Only letters, numbers and _
  • the fields presaleFolder/customer/homePhoneNumber and presaleFolder/customer/cellPhoneNumber are string(13). The numbers in +33xxxxxxxxx are therefore accepted
  • the fields presaleFolder/customer/lastName and presaleFolder/customer/firstName accept only the characters allowed by the civil status, no numbers are allowed
  • the field customer/email does not accept the following characters : +

Creates a payment session.

  • the orderData/orderSummaryRef field must be unique. It is not possible to place two orders with the same orderSummaryRef for one merchantId
  • orderData/orderSummaryRef and orderData/orderRef fields does not accept special characters. Only letters, numbers and _

Check enrollment

  • the order/orderRef field does not accept special characters. Only letters, numbers and _

FilePage - POST HTML

  • the field Order/ShoppingCartRef does not accept special characters. Only letters, numbers and _