iFrame (PCI SAQ-A)


Integration method to choose if you want to display the payment page in an iFrame.

In iFrame integration, you will have the possibility to display the payment page in an iFrame.


Requirements :

  • A dedicated and not shared IP
  • Your IP must have a good reputation on this website : https://www.brightcloud.com/tools/url-ip-lookup.php . If not, you can request a change using the form.
  • You have provided us with your iFrame domains and have authorized them to display the iFrame payment page
  • Calls to FLOA services must be made on the server side, the authentication token being provided for each call to our services must not be on the client side
  • Sign a PCI-SAQ-A certification if you do more than 6M transactions a year


In the integration environment, you must install a plugin on your browser to allow the payment iFrame to be displayed on your site.

In the production environment, it is necessary to provide us with the URL that will be used to host the iFrame so that we can authorize it to display the iFrame.

This integration offers the following advantages :

  • You can integrate the payment page into your environment.

Disadvantages of this integration :

  • Requires PCI SAQ-A validation if you do more than 6M transactions a year
  • Requires authorization from your domains to display the payment in iFrame
  • • More development work than a Payment page integration


Services to call



Example in the integration environment

GET https://paymentgateway.integration-cb4x.fr/v1/auth/token

authorization : login:password (en base 64)



Subject to customer information and consent (workshop to be conducted with your account manager)

For a 1XD payment, specify the number of days of deferment in reportDelayInDays

Example in the integration environment

POST https://eligibility.integration-cb4x.fr/api/v1/pre-eligibilities?merchantId=38&merchantSiteIds=7017

Content-type : application/json
authToken : the token retrieved via the call to the authentication service


    "presaleFolder": {
        "shoppingCarts": [
                "reference": "order reference",
                "rawAmount": order amount in cents,
                "productsCount": 1,
                "products": [
                        "name": "Product A",
                        "raw_amount": product’s amount in cents,
                        "shipping": {
                            "method": "UPS"
        "customer": {
            "reference": "customer reference",
            "civility": "Mr",
            "firstName": "fTest",
            "lastName": "lTest",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "homePhoneNumber": "0512345678",
            "homeAddress": {
                "line1": "route de bordeaux",
                "zipCode": "33000",
                "city": "Bordeaux",
                "countryCode": "FR"
        "saleChannel": "Desktop"


For better tracking of the orders, we recommend you put the same value in presaleFolder/shoppingCarts/reference for the PreEligibility and Eligibility
In the case of a 1XD payment, indicate the number of deferred days in reportDelayInDays
In the case of a iXC payment, birthDate, birthZipCode, maidenName are not mandatory

Example in the integration environment

POST https://eligibility.integration-cb4x.fr/api/v1/eligibilities?merchantId=38&merchantSiteIds=7017

If pre-eligibility is made, link the pre-eligibility to the eligibility via the pre-eligibility requestId in the URL :
POST https://eligibility.integration-cb4x.fr/api/v1/eligibilities?merchantId=38&merchantSiteIds=7017&requestId=123456

Content-type : application/json
authToken : the token retrieved via the call to the authentication service


    "presaleFolder": {
        "shoppingCarts": [
                "reference": "order reference",
                "rawAmount": order amount in cents,
                "productsCount": 1,
                "products": [
                        "name": "Product A",
                        "raw_amount": product’s amount in cents,
                        "shipping": {
                            "method": "UPS"
        "customer": {
            "reference": "60128411000001321",
            "firstName": "fTest",
            "lastName": "lTest",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "birthDate": "1986-07-16T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
            "birthZipCode": "33",
            "civility": "Mr",
            "homePhoneNumber": "0512345678",
            "cellPhoneNumber": "0612345678",
            "homeAddress": {
                "line1": "route de bordeaux",
                "zipCode": "33000",
                "city": "Bordeaux",
                "countryCode": "FR"
        "saleChannel": "Desktop"

Create a payment session

Creates a payment session
Put the iframe value in configuration/formType
For better tracking of orders, we recommend you put the same value in orderData/orderSummaryRef, orderData/orderRef as presaleFolder/shoppingCarts/reference
In the case of a 1XD payment, indicate the number of days of delay in configuration/reportDelayInDays

Example in the integration environment

POST https://paymentgateway.integration-cb4x.fr/v1/payment-sessions

Content-type : application/json
authToken : the token retrieved via the call to the authentication service


    "merchantId": 38,
    "merchantSiteId": "7017",
    "customer": {
        "customerRef": "00000001",
        "firstName": "fTest", 
        "lastName": "lTest"
    "orderData": {
        "amount": amount returned by the eligibility service (contains Floa fees if any),
        "orderSummaryRef": "order reference",
        "orderRef": "order reference",
        "orderDate": "2021-06-12T02:36:28.639Z",
        "salesChannel": "Desktop",
        "shippingMethod": "UPS",
        "scoringToken": "token returned by the eligibility service"
    "configuration": {
        "culture": "FR",
        "template": "Generic",
        "formType": "iframe",
        "merchantBackUrl": "back to cart URL",
        "merchantHomeUrl": "merchant home URL",
        "merchantNotifyUrl": "URL to which the payment notification will be sent",
        "merchantReturnUrl": "URL to which the customer will be redirected after the payment (this redirection also returns the payment result)",
        "paymentOptionRef": "63"

iFrame payment page

Display the payment page in an iFrame.

Payment result

The payment result must be retrieved via the Gets the payment result from its session id. method.

Example in the integration environment

GET https://paymentgateway.integration-cb4x.fr/v1/payment-sessions/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx/paymentResult (avec xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx votre sessionId de paiement)

Content-type : application/json
authToken : the token retrieved via the call to the authentication service


Example of a response

    "paymentResultCode": 0,
    "paymentResultCodeMessage": "succeeded",
    "paymentResultComplementaryCode": 4,
    "paymentResultComplementaryCodeMessage": "authorized",
    "storedPaymentMethodId": "",
    "storedPaymentMethodLabel": "",
    "subOrders": [],
    "amount": 43055,
    "paymentMethodType": "CB",
    "paymentSessionId": " xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx",
    "orderRef": "1629271248",
    "orderTag": "",
    "sessionDate": "2021-08-18T07:20:52.34"

paymentResultCode :
0 : Successful, authorization ok
1 : refused
2 : refused by bank
3 : Failed (technical failure)
4 : Pending
5 : Unknown (indeterminate state)
6 : Canceled (canceled)

Preview of the payment page in iFrame mode

3rd party cookies fallback solution

In some cases, the browser will not allow 3rd party cookies and therefore block the authentication page in 3DS scenarios.

The solution we have come up with is to complete the payment in another tab like so (when we detect that 3rd party cookies are not allowed in the current browser) :

Once the user clicks the link, a new tab opens with the url of the iframe.

After completing the payment, the payment tab closes automatically and the merchant page is notified that the payment is finished.

The fallback solution can be deactivated with the optionnal parameter enable3rdPartyCookiesFallback set to false.

But keep in mind that some customers can than experience an empty authentication page from their bank due to the browser not allowing 3rd party cookies.