Payment in 10X


This payment method is only available for France.


Payment in 10X can be integrated with 2 different methods :

  1. By calling the File page (see chapter File page)
  2. By calling the Eligibility method + redirection to the 10X journey

This chapter will describe the second method.


The payment in 10X is specific:
After the eligibility, it is necessary to redirect the customer to the 10X journey. This 10X journey is totally managed by Floa and includes the payment as well as the 10X contract’s signature.


Services to call



Example in the integration environment


authorization : login:password (en base 64)



Subject to customer information and consent (workshop to be conducted with your account manager)


In the case of a 10X, it is necessary to send the merchantSite object (unlike other payment methods). Only the 4 URLs homeURL, backUrl, returnUrl, notificationUrl are mandatory.

Example in the integration environment


Content-type : application/json
authToken : the token retrieved via the call to the authentication service


    "presaleFolder": {
        "shoppingCarts": [
                "reference": "order reference",
                "rawAmount": order amount in cents,
                "productsCount": 1,
                "products": [
                        "name": "Product A",
                        "raw_amount": product’s amount in cents,
                        "shipping": {
                            "method": "UPS"
        "customer": {
            "reference": "customer reference",
            "civility": "Mr",
            "firstName": "fTest",
            "lastName": "lTest",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "homePhoneNumber": "0512345678",
            "homeAddress": {
                "line1": "route de bordeaux",
                "zipCode": "33000",
                "city": "Bordeaux",
                "countryCode": "FR"
        "merchantSite": {
            "backUrl": "back to cart URL",
            "homeUrl": "merchant home URL",
            "notificationUrl": "URL to which the payment notification will be sent",
            "returnUrl": "URL to which the customer will be redirected after completing the order"
        "saleChannel": "Desktop"


For better tracking of orders, we recommend you put the same value in presaleFolder/shoppingCarts/reference for PreEligibility and Eligibility

In the case of a 10X, it is necessary to send the merchantSite object (unlike other payment methods). Only the 4 URLs homeURL, backUrl, returnUrl, notificationUrl are mandatory.

Example in the integration environment


If a pre-eligibility is made, link the pre-eligibility to the eligibility via the pre-eligibility requestId in the URL :

If you want to display various amounts on the payment page like shipping amount, you can send it in these fields :

  • presaleFolder/rawAmount : amount of the order without fees or discount
  • presaleFolder/feesAmount : amount of the fees
  • presaleFolder/discountAmount : amount of the discount
  • presaleFolder/shippingAmount : amount of you shipping fees
    (these fields are not displayed on the payment page if they are not send in the eligibility call)

Content-type : application/json
authToken : the token retrieved via the call to the authentication service


    "presaleFolder": {
            "rawAmount": amount of the order without fees or discount in cents,
            "feesAmount": amount of the fees in cents,
            "discountAmount": amount of the discount in cents,
            "shippingAmount": amount of you shipping fees in cents,
            "shoppingCarts": [
                "reference": "order reference",
                "rawAmount": order amount in cents,
                "productsCount": 1,
                "products": [
                        "name": "Product A",
                        "raw_amount": product’s amount in cents,
                        "shipping": {
                            "method": "UPS"
        "customer": {
            "reference": "60128411000001321",
            "firstName": "fTest",
            "lastName": "lTest",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "birthDate": "1986-07-16T00:00:00.0000000+00:00",
            "birthZipCode": "33",
            "civility": "Mr",
            "homePhoneNumber": "0512345678",
            "cellPhoneNumber": "0612345678",
            "homeAddress": {
                "line1": "route de bordeaux",
                "zipCode": "33000",
                "city": "Bordeaux",
                "countryCode": "FR"
        "merchantSite": {
            "backUrl": "back to cart URL",
            "homeUrl": "merchant home URL",
            "notificationUrl": "URL to which the payment notification will be sent",
            "returnUrl": "return to cart URL"
        "saleChannel": "Desktop"

10X journey

Redirect the user to the URL returned by the Eligibility service Eligibility in eligibilitiesLinks.
The rest is managed by Floa on Floa screens (payment, upload of identity documents, contract signature).

Merchant return

Redirection of the user to the URL specified in merchantSite/returnUrl when calling the Eligiblity service.
The result of the payment is posted on this URL. The POST contains the same data as the payment notification described in the Payment Notification chapter.

Overview of the 10X journey

When redirected to the 10X journey, the customer arrives at the payment page identical to the one proposed in the integration mode Payment page. Once the payment is validated, the user is automatically redirected to the validation and signature steps of the 10X contract.